Friday, May 14, 2010


So my indulgence on Wednesday was supposed to be a chocolate pie with lavender vanilla gellato; however, they were out of the gellato, so I had to settle for vanilla frozen yogurt (which turned out to be a harbinger of the diet to come):

I ate this as a very late afternoon (OK, evening) snack, then went home and had dinner. It tasted good, but having eaten nothing but healthy for the past month, I could definitely sense the void of the "empty calories." And honestly, 20 minutes after finishing this thing off, my stomach felt a little upset, and my head started to hurt a little. My body definitely welcomed the shrimp & veggie salad an hour later.

Just prior to the "un-dulgence," I had traveled to Philadelphia for work, Monday through Tuesday morning. I had a PCP lunch that I brought, but dinner was with co-workers at a Mexican place. I did all right: shrimp ceviche with salsa and avocados--I picked off the way-too-buttery spicy popcorn off the top--along with a Mexican chop salad, naked--no dressing, no cheese. Though I had to do my best to pick off the tortilla fragments sprinkled on top. While I've known we live in a carbo-culture, following the diet really makes one realize just how much our cuisine is in a dysfunctional, co-dependent relationship with simple starches & sugars, too insecure to let a salad just be itself.

Aside from not being measured (I probably over-ate on the veggies, under-ate on the protein) and, as usual, too salty, I don't think I did too badly. I resisted gorging on the carb & fat-laden fare that my co-workers were enjoying washing down with their high-end margaritas. Breakfast at the hotel was a piece of toast, some scrambled egg (equivalent to about 1 real egg), fried potatoes (ugh--the only veggies available at the breakfast buffet!), and a cup of milk. Oh, and nice, low-cal coffee.

I'm actually a little relieved now that our dinners consist of a banana, an apple, an egg white, and milk; it's definitely going to save some preparation time--and make it easier to "dine out."


  1. I love the fried potato as a veggie conceit. As the void of the empty calories becomes more apparent, you'll crave this stuff less and less. Eat clean!

  2. Frightening that you can have an ENTIRE breakfast buffet whereby you simply cannot avoid white carbs, sugar, and oil-fried. Whatever happened to eating FOOD?!
