Thursday, April 15, 2010

Half the food...

Day 1--a brief photo summary

Just as one takes many pictures at the start of a long vacation or road trip, here are a few from the start of this journey. This week's mission, in addition to the exercise (not pictured), is to eat what we usually eat, but only HALF the amount. Sounds simple? Deceptively so.

For example, just where is the 1/2 way point on this bad boy? I haven't used calculus since college, and they don't exactly provide any kind of plastic divider that says "STOP and save for tomorrow's lunch." In fact, they probably want you to come back for another bucket:

But I did stop, right around the middle of that carrot in the foreground. The rest awaits in the work fridge.

And not only does "half" apply to food:

"Down-sizing" to the "Short" (get it?!) only gets you part of the way from 12 oz to 6; the last 2, sadly, go down the drain:

By the third meal, I decided to use a simpler approach, with much less thinking involved--small plate:

And then there's the snacks, especially tempting while crashed out in front of the TV. Luckily, our cable company decided that it was time to upgrade their remaining channels to digital, and in so doing wipe out the free signal my roommates and I had been enjoying for the past 18 months. And they did this on, literally, the first day of the PCP. Problem solved, temptation removed. Good-bye, John Stewart...

...hello, jump-rope.


  1. Yes, the half diet will get you thinking about what you eat like nothing else!

  2. It looks like you're eating pretty healthily! I too am having trouble judging halves of things. What is half a lentil soup?

  3. I'm hoping that the food scales we'll be purchasing (or have purchased) will help us take some of the guess-work out. Here's a link for a digital one I picked up that appears to work well, is not too expensive, and has gotten pretty good ratings:
