Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Days 5 & 6

Two more successful days--and 3 full meals--down. I was able to bring lunch to jury duty, so it was relatively easy to stick with only what I brought. (High-fives--I didn't get selected to be on a panel! Or even to attend a panel selection!) The only time I came close to slipping off the wagon was when I purchased this, after eating tuna and veggies for lunch:

Sugar-filled gum. And yes, I chewed a whole stick.

Otherwise, the meals have been pretty consistent (not pictured: 1/2 salad and the turkey & spinach salad I consumed at a reception this evening):

Tomorrow, however, is the last day before "PCP Proper" begins, which includes some pretty strict limitations on what we can stick in our gobs. Just for kicks, I may head to Five Guys Burgers and Fries and indulge just a little--but only half:

...and I may hold the fries:


...hmm... on second thought, perhaps Ethiopian...

The work-outs have definitely given my energy a boost; I've knocked out all of the sets so far at, at least, the middle of the range of reps, and often (including for push-ups) at the high end. Tomorrow is all rope--and a short break from the resistance work.

All right, time to stop salivating and head to bed...

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