Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 86 & Day 87

Another late-night session. I took a nap after work (looong day on Thursday, didn't get lots of sleep) so I didn't complete Day 86 until the wee hours of the morning.

But I still got it in, and did better than I expected:
-the Super-sets were a nice change--like Mikhael, Jason, and Jennifer mentioned, they weren't as hard as I was expecting, just different;
-In setting up for the session, I discovered a new couch arrangement that now allows me to bring the incline pull-ups indoors--much better than bouncing between my bedroom and the back patio. I completed 5 full sets of 10, all with decent form;
-35 V-Sits on the first set! I remember when I couldn't manage more than 5 or 6. And....
-4:03 on the first set of Planks! The rest clocked in around 2:00-1:50.

Day 87 is done, and wow--the shoulders definitely took a pounding. I can see why Patrick admonished us to consume every last ounce of egg-white, we're definitely going to need it these last few days of the Project.

Meals go well; I've been eating a lot of grass-fed, farmer's market beef, though my next dietary project is going to be to track down the good fish markets in town. Being from the Midwest, fish fresh fish is something of which I've never been able to take very good advantage. Now that I'm on the East Coast, I don't really have much of an excuse.

I just finished Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma," and I'm now reading the companion book to "Food, Inc." Between the reading, the Project, and the state of many of my friends' and family members' health (not good), I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm opting out of the grocery store and industrial, Western-Diet imitation food as much as I can. I had been leaning (pun intended) in this direction for the last 6 months, but now I'm making it official.

I hope everybody else is kicking some ass! Off to go hang out with some long-neglected friends...

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! 4:03 Plank! The bar has been raised!

    I'm with you on the food. Don't need that crap!
