Sunday, June 20, 2010

Update: Fistfull of PCP

A quick summary of the last few days on the PCP, Western Style:

The Good

I am relatively caught up on sleep; the wall I thought I had hit has been knocked down, at least for now.

I *finally* discovered the wonders of the blender:

Banana-cherry-egg-white smoothie

I found a decent location for Kung-Fu sit-ups, and though it means more than a 20-second break between sets to jog down there, it's probably worth the extra time. Though I have to say, I'm inspired by Mikhael's carpentry work, I may have to make (or purchase) my own set-up. (There are, literally, NO doors in this house that are remotely suitable for a door-frame bar).

I've started doing daily 8-minute abs--it's now officially the only 'favorite' I have saved on the Youtube ap on my iPhone.

The Bad

I had Moroccan at a dinner reception (for a good cause--the High Atlas Foundation). Unfortunately, I had to 'guestimate' protein & carbs. Since the event was at the Moroccan Ambassador's residence, I thought it would be weird to try to sneak in food. I aimed low, & believe I didn't do too badly, though I could definitely taste the usual added salt, butter & sugar.

I didn't survive--and barely finished--the bicycle kicks. I'd gone for a quick 20-minute run for a little extra cardio before the work-out, and that really cashed out my legs. I literally couldn't lift them after the second set, so the third & fourth were finished by me pathetically bouncing my heels off the ground. (So no more extra runs on bicycle day; I'll stick with the rope.)

The Ugly

I survived 90-second planks. The first set was OK; the second, brutal; the third, I had to take a knee for a couple seconds; and the fourth, I collapsed at 60 seconds, rested for 10, then finished off the last 30. (So yes, Patrick, I definitely reached failure on the last set!)

Dips are still with assistance from my toes; I'm on my knees by the second set of push-ups; and I can only finish 1-2 full sets of any shoulder exercise before the deltoids burn out.

Oh, and, as always, my last 2 sets of V-sits--though now the first THREE sets aren't too ugly.


  1. 90 second planks are brutal. I survived today, but at the end of the 3rd and 4th sets by body was quaking, and virtually impossible to keep my back from sagging, which counters the effectiveness of the exercise....

    I'm with you on the bike kicks, tough on the legs....

  2. All this pain is YOUR pain. Embrace it!

  3. I LOVE your theme for the blog! :) Based on what I've been reading on y'alls blogs, I have a LOT to look forward to...

    I'm a little scared but more excited, really.

  4. Right, Jenny? It's funny to have a little window into what's ahead for us. I think we'll be ready by the time we get there...

  5. Stick closely to the diet and give the exercises your best shot, and you will be!
