Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 60!

Aw, yah!

Congrats to the 'Rats for making it 2/3 of the way!

New pics & stats are up. Since the start of this little adventure two months ago, I've officially now lost just over 20 lbs.


I went from being able to barely finish one pull-up to knocking out a set of eight (plus a few more after a rest);

I can easily crank out several thousand jumps with the rope;

I can do far more push-ups than I've been able to manage for years (I still need to test this out some time, before maxing out on sets of dips);

I can finish multiple sets of 1-legged squats.

To celebrate, I decided to pass on my size 34s to their next owner:

(They were also taking up too much space in my room.)

All that being said, my body is definitely starting to rebel a little--today I've got a stiff neck. (I probably pulled something while doing back exercises yesterday, & I'm just feeling it now.) And I'm definitely more tired and a little crankier than usual. I'll see how I'm doing after a visit to the coffee shop for my fix, but I'm guessing that I'm starting to enter the PCP Valley.

So, despite all of the progress, I once again remind myself that this is not the goal--the six-pack has yet to be uncovered, and there's a lot more muscle I want to pack onto my frame in the next four weeks--and beyond.


  1. Holy crap, Brett! Looking good. Something tells me you will cruise through the valley and come out just fine on the other side. :)

  2. This is fantastic progress! It really helps to see it written out like that, doesn't it? Congratulations! Keep at it!

  3. I still am wondering if the six-pack is in there and if I will EVER see it. You are making stellar progress and I'm sure we can motivate for 30 more days to reach those other goals of ours, right?

  4. Dude, you have a six pack in your Day 60 picture. Now we just need to chisel the edges.

  5. Thanks guys--I owe YOU for inspiring me and helping keep me honest! Yes--we CAN kick down the barriers and finish strong the last 1/3.

    Patrick, let's chisel away! I want to be able to play my abs on stage in a Zydeco band ;)
